by Terry Nation
(c) 1977 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created by Terry Nation. This is a partial dialogue transcript for research purposes and is not for sale under any circumstances. Format (c) 1992 by Tommy Persson, Susan Beth Schnitger, Didi Johnson, and Micky DuPree.
Dramatis Personae
Roj Blake
Jenna Stannis
Kerr Avon
Vila Restal
Olag Gan
Male voice (Public Address)
Second male voice
[Planet Centero. Outside what looks like a manufacturing plant.]
P.A.: Attention, please. This is planet Centero communications base control. Routine robot surveillance is now in operation.
[A mobile robot rolls by, swivels its head, then moves on. Blake materializes, looks about then runs to take cover. He moves deeper into the building as he hears the robot approaching, brushing by a hanging cable as he goes. The robot shoots a stream of flames onto the still swinging cable just seconds later.]
BLAKE: [into bracelet] I'm down and safe. I'm somewhere inside the main complex. Is Vila ready?
[Liberator teleport room. Jenna is at the controls, Vila is standing near her with his open box of tools. Gan and Cally are nearby.]
JENNA: [into comm] Hold on, just checking. [to Vila] Are you ready?
VILA: Tell him I've just worked out a completely new strategy. It's called running away.
JENNA: He's ready.
BLAKE: [v.o.] Put him down.
JENNA: [into comm] Standby.
[Vila is putting some tools back inside his box and fumbling with the lid.]
GAN: Come on, Vila!
[Vila gets the box closed and moves into the teleport bay.]
JENNA: Ready? [Vila nods resignedly.] I'm putting him down -- now.
[Vila dematerializes.]
[Centero. Vila materializes in the same place as Blake had earlier. He looks about, then starts running in the exact opposite of the direction Blake took.]
BLAKE: [beckoning] Vila, over here.
[Vila runs to join him.]
VILA: Where are we?
BLAKE: Shhh, no noise. There's a security robot patrolling the area. As far as I can tell we're in the outer compound. Top security section should be back that way. Now, stay close to me and keep your head down.
VILA: [hopefully] Why don't I stay here and keep watch?
BLAKE: Come on. [They run, pass alongside a wall and come to a gate in a chain-link fence. A sign on the gate reads "TOP SECURITY."]
BLAKE: There it is. That must be the way in. Can you open those gates or are we going to have to climb them?
VILA: You won't get over it. That'll have every detector device you can imagine, and a few more besides. I'll have to get a closer look at the locking system.
BLAKE: All right, I'll keep watch.
[Vila moves over to the gate, pausing first to try a set of locked doors nearby. He shrugs at Blake who motions him on to the gate. Vila eyes the gate, opens his box and applies a tool to the inside of a panel he opens. There is a large electric spark and the end bit of his tool is burnt off. Vila looks at it in disgust and replaces it in his box. Blake hears the robot approaching and flattens to the ground.]
BLAKE: [calling softly] Vila, take cover.
[Vila keeps working on the panel.]
BLAKE: Vila!
[Vila reaches into his box. The robot passes by. Blake looks over at the gate -- no Vila in sight. Blake runs over to the gate and looks around.]
BLAKE: Vila?
[Vila sticks his head out of the doors he'd checked earlier.]
VILA: Has it gone?
BLAKE: How did you get in there?
VILA: There isn't a lock I can't open -- if I'm scared enough.
BLAKE: Are you scared enough for that one?
VILA: What do you think?
[Both move over to the gate and look at it. Vila sets back to work with a couple of tools.]
BLAKE: How does it work?
VILA: Anybody authorized to go through the gate has a physio-psycho pattern registered in the central computer. [Hands one of the tools to Blake.] Hold this. When he wants to go through, this scans him and feeds the reading back to the computer. All you've got to do is intercept the feedback from the computer. [Vila holds one finger on a component inside the panel.] Now, you stand in front and I'll press the scan button. [Vila presses a red button with his other hand. Blake's face is illuminated by a red light.] Retrieval system, no record, refusal signal, now. [Vila pulls his hand away from the panel. The light on Blake's face changes to green, there's a buzz, and the gate swings open.]
BLAKE: Nice going.
VILA: Any very talented person could have done it.
BLAKE: Come on.
[Blake enters. Vila starts to follow with his tool box but hears a beeping from the gate controls so pauses to close the panel he'd opened. They run inside, slipping safely behind a patrol group. They see two guards at a door. Blake whispers to Vila who nods, then approaches the guards.]
VILA: Hello there. How are you? Excuse me wandering about your premises but I wonder if you can help me. I'm an escaped prisoner. I was a thief but recently I've become interested in sabotage, in a small way you understand, nothing too ambitious, I hate vulgarity, don't you? Anyway, I've come to blow something up. What do you think will be most suitable? [Throughout this babbling the guards have been looking back and forth at him and each other in disbelief. Blake slips up behind them from the other side and takes out one of the guards. Vila bashes the other with his tool box.]
[Blake runs inside. Vila starts to follow then stays with the guards.]
VILA: Blake, don't leave me.
[Blake moves down corridors, draws his weapon and looks around. Back at the door, Vila arranges the two unconscious guards into a seated position leaning against each other, then enters the building. He looks around in a corridor.]
BLAKE: [calls softly] Oy. [Vila jumps as Blake comes up behind him.]
VILA: Oh, you gave me such a shock, you did....
[Teleport room. Avon and Cally are holding mines which Gan packs into a
carry bag, Jenna is at the controls.]
AVON: All you've got to do with these is find a metal surface and they'll stick fast.
GAN: Right.
CALLY: They're taking too long.
AVON: That's the trouble with heroics. They seldom run to schedule.
JENNA: They'll find it. There's not going to be a sign up there saying "This way to the cipher room."
GAN: They may need help.
CALLY: I think so, too.
AVON: They would have called in.
JENNA: Avon's right.
AVON: [looks over at Jenna] I usually am.
JENNA: Blake says wait so we wait.
[Corridor outside Cipher Room. Blake and Vila move cautiously down the corridor then duck into cover as Prell wheels a dolly out of the room. He leaves it in the corridor and returns inside. Blake mouths something to Vila then bursts into the room and points his weapon at the technicians and guard inside.]
BLAKE: Stand still! Vila, get his gun. [Vila takes the gun from the guard and herds the others with it.]
VILA: All right, all of you, over there, against the wall, quickly.
BLAKE: [into bracelet] Jenna, we found it. Standby.
[Teleport room]
BLAKE: [v.o.] Phase one is now complete. Get an absolute locator fix on my signal. As soon as you are set, put them down.
[Gan, Cally and Avon move over to the teleport controls.]
JENNA: Right.
AVON: It had better be right. A fraction out and you could put us down in the middle of the security barracks.
JENNA: Don't tempt me.
[Jenna is using a panel with an indicator light.]
JENNA: Blake, can you give me a voice check?
BLAKE: [v.o.] Reading out. [The light moves as he speaks, then comes to a stop.] One, two, three, four. One, two--
JENNA: Right, that's it, got it. Locked on. [to others] Ready? [Avon, Cally and Gan enter the teleport bay.] Good luck. I'm putting them down -- now.
[Cipher room. Avon, Cally and Gan materialize.]
BLAKE: [to Avon] Now do you know what you're looking for?
AVON: [shortly] Yes. [Moves off towards the equipment.]
BLAKE: [to Gan] All the equipment here?
GAN: All here.
BLAKE: [into bracelet] Down and safe. Well done, Jenna.
[Teleport room. Jenna smiles and sits back, making notes on a pad.]
[Cipher room]
BLAKE: Vila, back down to the entrance: keep the door covered. Cally, Gan, get the prisoners out of here, find somewhere to hold them. Cally, you stay with them. Gan, when you've started setting charges come back in here.
GAN: Right.
[Gan and Cally leave, herding the techs and guard before them.]
AVON: Blake! [Blake joins Avon, and looks inside an opened panel.] This is it.
BLAKE: You're sure?
AVON: It's been updated since the last one I saw, but it's still the same basic instrument.
BLAKE: You're absolutely positive?
AVON: Yes.
BLAKE: Good, disconnect it.
[Avon starts to work.]
[Storage room with shelves of bins, etc. Cally and Gan herd their prisoners inside.]
CALLY: Move on, move on, stand facing those racks. [Gan pushes the men up against the rack, pats their arms into position.] And keep your hands up.
GAN: Can you handle it, Cally?
[Cally nods, Gan leaves the room.]
CALLY: Now then. Don't move.
[Corridor. Gan sticks two mines to walls and activates them.]
[Cipher room. Avon is working, Gan comes in quickly startling Blake who aims his weapon at him before recognizing Gan.]
GAN: I've set the charges down the corridor.
BLAKE: All right, set a couple in here.
GAN: Two? One would be sufficient.
BLAKE: I want total destruction so nothing can be recognized. If they sort through the debris and find the cipher machine is missing all they'll do is change their code and we'll have wasted our time.
[Storage room. Cally moves over to the door and peers out. Prell reaches one hand slowly towards a canister on the shelf before him but puts it back up empty when Cally moves towards the prisoners again.]
[Cipher room. Gan is starting to attach a mine to a wall.]
BLAKE: Way over there. [Indicates the other side of the room and Gan sets the mine.]
AVON: Gan. [Gan moves over to help Avon who hands him a tool.]
[Outside the door. One of the guards has come to. Vila sees the robot approaching and takes cover. The guard runs to trigger a switch. Vila chases him and knocks him out, but too late to keep the alarm from going off.]
[Cipher room. Blake is standing at the open door. The alarm can be heard.]
BLAKE: That's done it. Gan, watch the door.
[Blake shuts the door, Gan moves over to it as Blake crosses to Avon.]
BLAKE: [to Avon] How are you doing?
AVON: [grunts] Well, the main holders are released but I still can't get it free.
BLAKE: Here. [He tries in vain to pull the cipher gizmo free.]
AVON: It's secured by something that I can't quite fathom. Gan!
[Gan joins them]
GAN: You better stand back. [He reaches into the panel and grapples with the device, grimacing with strain.]
BLAKE: Avon, keep an eye on the door.
[Avon moves over to the door.]
BLAKE: [Checks his timer] Come on, Gan, hurry it up, hurry up.
[Storage room. Vila pops in.]
VILA: Cally.
CALLY: What?
VILA: I've just been spotted. The alarms are ringing. I thought you ought to know. [exits]
[Cally sees Prell reaching toward the shelf, and moves toward him. He withdraws his hand.]
CALLY: I thought I told you not to move.
[Cipher room. Vila bursts in, Avon aims his weapon at him.]
AVON: What are you doing here?
VILA: What do you think?
BLAKE: Lock the door!
[Vila slides a bolt just as a guard reaches the door.]
BLAKE: Get down, both of you.
[Blake blasts the guard through the door. Blake, Vila and Avon push a cabinet in front of the doorway to block it.]
BLAKE: [to Gan] How are you doing?
GAN: I've broken two connections, just two to go.
BLAKE: You've got one minute left. [into bracelet] Stand by, Jenna, we may have to get out of here very fast.
[Storage room. Cally moves in front of a set of shelves. She looks over at the door when she hears some guards running past, and Prell grabs the canister and throws it at her, knocking her back.
PRELL: [to other prisoners] Come on, get her!
[They rush her, and Prell grapples with her, holding her until the guard knocks her out.]
PRELL: [to guard] Right, you watch her. [to other techs] You three come with me.
[They exit. The guard removes Cally's gun.]
P.A.: Attention, please. This is base control, red alert! All security personnel to report to number one command post immediately.
[Outside building. A squad of guards jog by.]
[Storage room. Cally attacks the guard. They fight, she wins and knocks him out. She realizes her bracelet has come off and starts searching for it, around and behind the racks.]
[Cipher room. Gan bends back a sheet of metal and pulls the cipher device free.]
GAN: Got it!
BLAKE: Right, everything into the bags. [into bracelet] Jenna, stand by to bring us up in, about, twenty seconds. [Shots of Cally still searching, overlaid by the timer on a mine ticking down.] Now! [Blake, Avon, Vila and Gan dematerialize.]
[Shots of Cally still searching, the timer reaching zero, explosions, fire, Cally's body lying behind the fallen rack, her bracelet lying beside her.]
[Teleport room]
JENNA: [lays device on control panel] So you got it.
BLAKE: It was close though.
AVON: Too close. Another few seconds we'd have all been blown up.
VILA: Well, it wasn't my fault.
AVON: Well, whose fault was it? I thought you were supposed to guard the corridor.
VILA: You were supposed to disconnect that thing, not rely on Gan tear to it loose with his teeth.
JENNA: All right, all right, now calm down. Are you sure this is it? [picks up the device] It doesn't look like much.
[Flight deck, empty except for Blake.]
BLAKE: Zen, retaliation status report.
ZEN: Detectors confirm massive launch of long range interceptor rockets. They have locked on to Liberator's course and are in pursuit.
BLAKE: How long before we outrun them?
ZEN: Battle computers estimate seven hours to outrange interceptor tracking systems.
BLAKE: Maintain optimum evasive strategy.
[He exits the flight deck, the next line coming as he walks away down the corridor.]
ZEN: Battle computers confirm, optimum evasion strategy committed.
[Teleport room]
AVON: So that all communication between Federation units is sent by hyperspace sub-beam, that originates here and here. [indicates areas on device] All messages are converted into zeta three particles and then scrambled. [Blake enters in background.] They in their turn become an unbreakable code.
BLAKE: Unbreakable unless you have one of those.
AVON: As soon as I get this linked into our communications setup, we should be able to read every message that the Federation puts out.
JENNA: Any sign of the interceptors?
BLAKE: We picked up a whole flock of 'em. But we should outrun them in seven hours.
JENNA: It's almost too easy, isn't it?
BLAKE: A lot can happen in seven hours so I suggest we get back to business. Avon, I want you to make a start with that. Cally can help you. Where is Cally? [Everyone looks about.] Anybody see where she went? [Pause, no one speaks.] Has anybody seen her since she came back on board?
GAN: I haven't seen her.
VILA: Neither have I.
BLAKE: Then she's still down there. We've got to get back.
JENNA: We can't. The interceptors.
BLAKE: We can't just leave her there!
AVON: Blake, listen. If she didn't come back up, then she must have been in the building when the charges blew. She's dead.
VILA: And anyway, the place will be crawling with security forces by now. They'll be on full alert.
AVON: We'd never even get through their interceptors. [Grabs Blake's arm.] Listen! [Blake yanks free.] If you turn this ship round, you will kill all of us.
[Federation Space Headquarters. Servalan's office.]
RONTANE: Which is why the President has asked me to come here personally; to express his own very grave concern over this matter. The destruction of the communications center has far-reaching political consequences. Controllers from some of the Outer Planets, whose loyalty to the Federation is, uh, delicately balanced, have been openly critical of the Administration's defense system. There are even one or two radical voices that speak of withdrawal from the Federation.
BERCOL: My department has done all in its power to suppress information about Blake and his actions -- there is a total blackout on all reports concerning him -- but still the stories get out. They spread by word of mouth, by whispers, by rumour; each time the story is told it is elaborated upon. Any damage to the Federation is attributed to Blake. The smallest incident is exaggerated out of all proportion until it becomes a major event. Blake is becoming a legend. His name is a rallying call for malcontents of all persuasions. He must be stopped.
SERVALAN: Gentlemen: I share the President's grave concern. And I am aware of the danger should Blake become a legend. But let us keep this matter in its correct perspective. It is true that Blake has command of a superb space vehicle, but he is just a man, backed by a handful of criminals, and that is all. He is not invulnerable, nor is he superhuman. He is just a man, who has been extremely lucky to evade capture --- so far.
RONTANE: With respect, Supreme Commander, we are aware of the facts. They are simply that with all the resources that the Federation can call upon, this one vulnerable, lucky man is still free to cause havoc.
SERVALAN: You have some criticism of my handling of this matter, Secretary Rontane?
RONTANE: Not at all, I hoped merely to convey the concern shown by the President when he briefed me for this visit.
BERCOL: It would be very helpful to all of us if we knew --- if you could indicate what action you will NOW be taking against Blake.
SERVALAN: Very well, Councillor Bercol. You may tell the President that I am appointing a Space Commander to take absolute control of this matter. He will be exclusively concerned to seek, locate, and destroy Blake.
BERCOL: Oh, excellent, excellent.
RONTANE: May we know the officer's name?
SERVALAN: Yes, you may. Space Commander Travis.
RONTANE: I understood that Travis had been suspended from duty pending an inquiry into the massacre of the civilians on the planet Auros.
SERVALAN: And I have satisfied myself that Travis acted correctly in this matter. The civilian deaths on Auros were unavoidable.
BERCOL: Uh, there are other incidents on his record, um, unfortunate incidents.
RONTANE: He has caused the Administration some political embarrassment in the past. In dealing with even minor insurrections, he has been, ah ... overzealous?
SERVALAN: Oh, don't be afraid of the word, Secretary. Ruthless. Committed. He does his duty as he sees it, and he sees it clearly. He has no time for the dirty gray areas of your politics.
RONTANE: [chuckle] I'm sure you're right, and of course the appointment is made on your judgement and your responsibility.
SERVALAN: Responsibility is something I have never evaded, Secretary.
RONTANE: Ah. May I then tell the President that you are confident that the Blake problem will be solved, soon?
SERVALAN: You may tell him to prepare a statement announcing that Blake has been eliminated.
BERCOL: Thank you for your reassurances, Supreme Commander.
RONTANE: Goodbye.
SERVALAN: A safe journey back to Earth.
[The two men exit.]
SERVALAN: [into comm] Where is space commander Travis? He was due here one hour ago.
VOICE: [v.o.] His ship is locked into the station's flight grid. He will dock at precisely eighteen-twenty-three.
SERVALAN: Good. [She opens a window and looks out at space. View shifts to the Liberator in space as her voice speaks] Your time is running out, Blake. Your time and your luck.
[Flight deck. Jenna, Avon and Gan are working to install the cipher device. Blake is moving about restlessly, Jenna goes over to him.]
JENNA: [rests hand on his shoulder] There's nothing you could have done. It wasn't your fault.
BLAKE: And whose fault was it? I should have checked.
JENNA: Cally wasn't a child.
BLAKE: Wasn't she?
JENNA: She knew the risks. She accepted them. She even welcomed them.
BLAKE: She was ashamed to go back to her own people because she had survived when the rest of the freedom fighters were massacred.
JENNA: Well, that wasn't her fault.
BLAKE: Shame like hers is an emotion, Jenna. It isn't rational.
JENNA: Exactly, and so is guilt like yours. That's not rational, either.
BLAKE: It's ironic, isn't it? She was the only one of us who wasn't a convicted criminal.
JENNA: She convicted herself. You can't live like that. You've got to make peace with yourself, Blake, if you want to survive.
[Blake moves over to Avon.}
BLAKE: How are you coming with that?
AVON: The primaries are hooked into the main instrumentation, I just have to link up to a read out.
ZEN: Attention. Liberator is now out of range of the interceptor's scanning systems. Detectors indicate the rockets have begun to self destruct.
BLAKE: Have the navigation computers put in a course for the planet listing K-Fourteen.
ZEN: Course laid in.
JENNA: That's a Federation repair and supply base, isn't it?
AVON: Yes, for their deep space cruisers.
JENNA: Are we going to attack it?
BLAKE: One for Cally. [pause] Because I want to survive.
[Servalan's office.]
SERVALAN: [into comm] Yes?
VOICE: Space commander Travis's ship has just docked.
SERVALAN: Have him report to me immediately. [pause] No, have him wait outside until I send for him.
SERVALAN: [Knock on door] Come in.
RAI: Central Intelligence transmitted the records you asked for, ma'am. I have the microtapes.
SERVALAN: Thank you, Rai. Leave them there.
RAI: I am told that Travis is docked.
SERVALAN: So I understand.
RAI: [takes formal stance] May I speak, Supreme Commander?
SERVALAN: Yes, of course. But why so formal, Rai? What can be so important that we can't discuss it in a more relaxed way? Oh, Rai, come here.
[She beckons him to join her on a couch.]
SERVALAN: [stroking his shoulder] Rai, I thought we were old friends.
RAI: I value our friendship a great deal.
SERVALAN: [smiles] Yes. Well?
RAI: Senior echelon officers all know that Travis is coming.
SERVALAN: But I've made no secret of it.
RAI: Is it wise? They know that he has been stripped of his rank and authority. That he has no status now and that he stands a good chance of being dismissed the service.
SERVALAN: Rai, [touches his hair] Space Commander Travis is the subject of a military inquiry. He was ordered to suppress an attack on Auros.
RAI: The man is a butcher. He continued with his attack after the total surrender. The death toll was horrifying.
SERVALAN: [stands up and returns to stand behind her desk, Rai follows her and stands in front of it] Travis is an advocate of total war. He carries out his orders with meticulous thoroughness. An enemy does not cease to be an enemy simply because it has surrendered.
RAI: That's the philosophy of an assassin, not a Federation officer. [pause] I must tell you that there are those among your officers who will not serve with Travis or take orders from him.
SERVALAN: And you may tell them --- whoever they are --- that Space Commander Travis's rank and authority have been fully restored by my order. I have also appointed him Senior Executive Officer of this station. Is that clear?
RAI: Yes, Supreme Commander.
SERVALAN: Let them know, too, that any lack of cooperation, any hesitation in responding to an order, will be treated as mutiny. Let them know I have said this. Dismissed. [Rai clicks his heels and exits. There is a bleep from the comm. Servalan ignores it, looking pensive. The comm bleeps again and Servalan reacts this time.]
VOICE: It's Commander Travis. I told him he was to wait but he just pushed past me. He's on his way up. I tried to stop him--
SERVALAN: Very well. [Door opens and Travis enters. He moves to just in front of her desk and stands with his hands on his hips.] Space Commander, it is good to see you.
TRAVIS: Your aide said I was to wait. He was obviously mistaken. He doesn't realize the urgency of the matter. [Servalan lays a folded sheet of paper on the desk before him. Travis picks it up and reads it.] These are your orders?
SERVALAN: Destroy Blake.
TRAVIS: Depend on it.
[Flight deck]
AVON: It's working.
JENNA: Well done.
AVON: Now let's see how well. Jenna, see if you can isolate the Federation's signal beam.
JENNA: [Jenna uses a tool on the device as the pitch of the signal shifts.] That's it.
AVON: Now, feed that into the cipher control . . . and there it is. [Zen's display screen shows shifted lines of cryptic characters.]
BLAKE: Well done, Avon.
AVON: Under the circumstances, it would have been a great pity if it hadn't worked. Gan, basic unscrambler? [Gan hands him a set of headphones. Avon and Jenna listen to the earpieces.]
BLAKE: What are you getting?
AVON: Just routine movement orders, statistical information. I'll rig a selective data link into their battle computers, it'll be useful background information.
JENNA: We should monitor what we're getting, we'll need a rota of some sort.
BLAKE: Yeah, good idea. [laughs] We should know more about the Federation than the president.
[Jenna laughs.]
BLAKE: I presume there's a recall record?
AVON: It's all going on to microtape.
BLAKE: You've done a good job, Avon. Thank you.
AVON: At least I'll know what the _Federation_ is planning. [Gan grins] Just a minute.
BLAKE: Something?
AVON: A message beamed into Centero.
JENNA: But we've just destroyed their communications base.
AVON: They're using emergency frequencies.
BLAKE: What's the message?
AVON: Some flight clearance. Priority spaceway for a ship going in from Space Headquarters. The Supreme Commander requests that all personnel give maximum cooperation to the incoming officer.
JENNA: Does it give his name?
AVON: Space Commander Travis.
BLAKE: Travis!
JENNA: Do you know him?
BLAKE: I thought he was dead. I was sure I'd killed him.
[Cipher room. A group of technicians are rifling through the debris when Travis enters.]
TRAVIS: Stop! [to Prell] What are these men doing here?
PRELL: Well, I didn't think it would matter if we made a start on clearing up the worst of the damage.
TRAVIS: My orders were that nothing was to be touched in this room, nothing. [to the technicians] Get out! [Most start to leave, one is slower about it. Travis grabs him by the arm and shoves him towards the door.] Out! [to Prell] Go through the sequence of events.
PRELL: From the beginning, sir?
TRAVIS: Well, naturally.
PRELL: Well, two armed men came through the door. From the description you've given me, one of them was certainly Blake.
TRAVIS: Go on.
PRELL: Well, we were made to stand against the wall. Then a minute later, three more of them just appeared.
TRAVIS: Appeared?
PRELL: Well, materialized, sir. My men and I were taken out by a man and a girl. It was the girl who kept us prisoner in the equipment store. We overpowered her, the demolition charges went off, sir. Well, we were lucky to get out alive.
TRAVIS: How long were Blake and his men in here?
PRELL: Five, ten minutes, not more.
TRAVIS: Five or ten minutes? They could have set demolition charges in thirty seconds. What were they doing in that extra time?
PRELL: Perhaps they had trouble getting them to work, sir.
TRAVIS: And why did they take you and your men out of here?
PRELL: I suppose they thought it was safer with us out of the way.
TRAVIS: No. No. There's something missing. I'm missing something. [pause] Do you still have the original construction plans for this room?
PRELL: They'll be on record, sir.
TRAVIS: And detailed diagrams of all the circuits?
TRAVIS: Good. I'm sending in a forensic team. I want a full catalog of every item in this room.
PRELL: But, sir--
TRAVIS: Everything must be accounted for.
PRELL: But, sir-- [breaks off as Travis turns to stare at him coldly.] Well, that could take months, sir, if it's possible at all.
TRAVIS: Prell, if I were you I'd make it possible. I want that catalog in twenty hours.
PRELL: Sir. [There is a ringing. Prell uses a handheld communicator, holding it alternately to his ear and throat] Yes? Right!
TRAVIS: What is it?
PRELL: They found something, under the rubble. I think you'd better come along.
[Storage room. Eldon is examining the body of the dead guard.]
PRELL: Where is it?
ELDON: It's over there, sir.
[Prell goes behind the fallen rack and touches Cally.]
PRELL: It's the girl who was holding us prisoner, sir.
TRAVIS: Is she dead?
PRELL: I'll check, sir.
ELDON: [Hands Cally's gun to Travis] We found this, sir.
PRELL: She's alive.
TRAVIS: You, get a medical squad. Move!
ELDON: Yes, sir. [exits]
PRELL: She'll pull through all right, sir, she's lucky.
TRAVIS: No, we are. Her luck ran out when she didn't die. The medics are to give her emergency treatment and put her into a life support capsule. I take off for the space station in one hour.
PRELL: Right, sir. [exits]
[Servalan's office. Travis is scanning through pictures of Blake on a wall screen.]
SERVALAN: Shouldn't you rest now?
TRAVIS: Is this all the information we have on Blake?
SERVALAN: I checked with Intelligence personally. It's all there.
TRAVIS: Have you approved my requisitions for personnel and equipment?
SERVALAN: The ships you want, the Starburst class, I'm not sure I can get them.
TRAVIS: What?!
SERVALAN: There've only been three of them built so far, and they've already been assigned to the Galactic Eighth Fleet.
TRAVIS: Well, get them reassigned to you. Look, from what we already know about Blake's ship, it's vastly superior to anything we've got. If I'm to stand even a reasonable chance of taking him, I need those three high-range pursuit ships.
SERVALAN: You'll have them.
TRAVIS: What about my crew?
SERVALAN: Already assigned. Why mutoids particularly?
TRAVIS: Why mutoids? I've always thought that individuals with a high bionic rebuild were more reliable, less likely to let emotion interfere with judgement or duty. I give a mutoid priority over a man every time. [Points to his left hand] Or perhaps it's this that gives me a fellow feeling.
SERVALAN: Does it still trouble you?
TRAVIS: Well, not in the way you mean. The surgical mechanics did a perfect refit. I had the Weaponry Division make a few ... adaptations. They built in a laseron destroyer, more powerful than any sidearm. No, the hand is fine, better than the original. It only troubles me because it's a constant reminder that the man who caused it, is still alive.
SERVALAN: Blake. That's why I choose you.
SERVALAN: I've read all the reports, of course. But none of them said what happened. None of them explained about your face.
TRAVIS: What about my face?
SERVALAN: It was patched up by a field medic.
TRAVIS: Man saved my life.
SERVALAN: But why did you never let the surgeons finish the job?
TRAVIS: [Chuckles] What are you suggesting, cosmetic surgery? I'm a field officer, not one of your decorative staff men.
SERVALAN: You're certainly not decorative.
TRAVIS: You find it repulsive?
SERVALAN: I find it ... unpleasing.
TRAVIS: But memorable. You wouldn't mistake me for anyone else.
TRAVIS: Mm. Neither will Blake. Even after all this time, he'll know me, and remember what happened at our first meeting.
SERVALAN: Tell me.
TRAVIS: It was quite early on. Blake had only been involved with the dissidents for a short while, but he already had a following. He organized some attacks against some of our political rehabilitation centers. Released some of the prisoners who were having indoctrination treatment. I was assigned to deal with the matter. We got information that Blake was planning another raid. We knew the location of the meeting point. I made my plans well in advance.
[Flight deck. The crew are all sitting on couches in the pit. Vila and Jenna are holding cups, more are on the table. Jenna sips from her cup at one point during Blake's story.]
BLAKE: The group had arranged to meet in a sub-basement. There were about thirty of us. I was very particular about security. I had our people watch the entrances and exits for a full twenty-four hours before we were supposed to meet. No Federation forces came anywhere near the place. I was absolutely sure that we were safe. That night we were assembled and about to begin, and Travis and his men suddenly appeared from nowhere.
AVON: Didn't you post any guards?
BLAKE: Of course I did. Travis was already there. He'd been hiding in that basement for more than two days. We made no attempt to resist arrest. There was no point, we had no chance. I said to Travis, "We will offer no resistance." And he just stared at me. And then he ordered his men to open fire. Everybody was diving for cover that wasn't there. I, I ran, I found myself grappling with a guard, and I managed to get his gun away from him, and then I was hit in the leg. But as I went down, I saw Travis. And I fired. I saw him fall. I was sure I'd killed him.
JENNA: What happened then?
BLAKE: Oh, they did a memory erase on me, set up a show trial, had me confess, made me explain that I had been misled, that my political ideas were mistaken. Enough people believed me. The whole resistance movement collapsed. After that the Federation kept me around as a, a reformed character, a sort of ideal model citizen exhibit. Of course, I didn't know that at the time. No, it's only since almost exactly the same thing has happened again that the memory erase has begun to fade and I can remember.
AVON: Do you remember enough to recognize Travis again?
BLAKE: The man who killed twenty of my friends? Oh, yes. I'll recognize him.
[Note from transcriber: the person I have labeled "DOCTOR" in the following scene is not listed in the credits and only his hand and part of his leg is ever seen.]
[Medical lab. Cally is lying on a bed/medical capsule, with a mask over her eyes, attended by a doctor. Travis's image is displayed on a wall screen.]
TRAVIS: What is her condition?
DOCTOR: [removes her mask] There's some superficial bruising, a slight respiratory problem, other than that she's virtually unharmed. There's really no need for her to remain in the life support capsule.
TRAVIS: No, she'll stay where she is for the moment. It'll make her more responsive to interrogation later.
DOCTOR: She's not yet well enough to submit to intensive questioning. She must have rest--
TRAVIS: Yes, thank you very much indeed, Doctor, you are relieved of your responsibility for the prisoner. She is now the property ... the concern of the interrogation division. [The doctor exits. To Cally] We'll want to know about Blake, the ship, his crew, his plans.
CALLY: Your words are meaningless to me. Who is Blake?
TRAVIS: I think you'll remember, quite soon. Oh, there may be a little pain, a little discomfort, but you will remember.
CALLY: I will tell you nothing.
TRAVIS: I'll come back later. By that time you may have answered my questions. [to someone offscreen] You may begin. [Scenes of a liquid being poured, Cally grimacing in pain, flashing lights.]
[Cipher room]
ELDON: [shows piece of debris to Prell] What do you make of this, sir?
PRELL: Where did you find it?
ELDON: It was embedded in the wall.
PRELL: [takes it and looks it over] Strange, it looks like part of the inner workings and yet the surface scoring would suggest that it was exposed at the time of the explosion.
PRELL: Check its code number.
ELDON: [puts on a visor with an attached single lens] Fourteen twenty- nine.
PRELL: [checks against paper listing] Fourteen twenty-nine, relay boost, prime link is to component fourteen thirty. What have we salvaged for that classification?
ELDON: [goes to check against something] Nothing.
PRELL: Nothing?
ELDON: Not a fragment.
PRELL: Of course, it's obvious, obvious. [gestures for comm]
ELDON: [Passes him the handheld communicator] What is it?
PRELL: [Into communicator] Priority message to Space Commander Travis.
Delivery by Category One courier. Message begins ...
[Servalan's office. She and Travis are listening to a recording of Prell's
PRELL: [recording] ... thorough check of salvaged material reveals no trace of parts used in manufacture of component fourteen thirty. It is virtually certain therefore that the instrument was removed before the explosion. Component-- [Travis turns the recording off]
TRAVIS: Blake got the cipher machine.
SERVALAN: He's able to read everything we transmit. Forward planning movements, security, everything.
TRAVIS: That's right.
SERVALAN: I must advise Central Security. [Crosses to comm] We have to introduce a new code system immediately.
TRAVIS: No, no. If the code system is changed Blake will know we are on to him.
SERVALAN: That's not important. What matters is that our security is wide open. [Reaches to comm but Travis blocks her hand.]
TRAVIS: Listen to me. We know that Blake is reading us. If we transmit a message in the normal routine way he'll intercept it, hm? Now what if that message was something he wanted to hear? Something that we know would bring him to a particular place.
SERVALAN: A place where we would be waiting for him.
TRAVIS: Exactly.
[Flight deck. Jenna is alone, monitoring the Federation transmission with the headphones when something makes her react.]
JENNA: [into comm] Blake, can you get down here fast? [starts making notes on a pad]
[Blake hurries in, followed by Avon and Vila.]
BLAKE: What is it?
JENNA: This just came through on the cipher.
BLAKE: Read it.
JENNA: Space headquarters priority. Injured female prisoner taken after attack on communications base planet Centero to be held for treatment and interrogation.
BLAKE: She's alive.
VILA: I knew she wasn't dead.
AVON: No, you didn't.
VILA: No, I didn't. I'm going to tell Gan. [exits]
AVON: Treatment and interrogation, that doesn't sound too promising.
BLAKE: She's alive. That's all that matters. Zen, immediate course change. Direct route to Centero speed standard by six.
ZEN: Confirmed.
BLAKE: I want a repeat readout of everything in the databanks concerning Centero. The whole lot again.
ZEN: Confirmed.
BLAKE: I want it now.
AVON: Blake, what are you planning? What exactly have you got in mind?
BLAKE: I'm not sure yet.
JENNA: We could make a really fast strike. They wouldn't be expecting anything.
AVON: Oh, I admire your confidence.
JENNA: Well, surprise is the only thing we've got on our side.
BLAKE: Yes, well, however we do it, one way or another we are gonna to get Cally out of there. [exits]
[View of Liberator in space, turning.]
ZEN: [v.o.] The banks have collated the required information. Liberator is turning onto new course heading, now.
[Multiple scenes of guards taking up stations around Centero base. Shot of Cally's unconscious body being dragged along the floor by her feet.]
[Room at Centero base. Travis is sitting at a table.]
ESCON: Base Commander Escon reporting, sir.
TRAVIS: Yes, Base Commander?
ESCON: I've escorted the prisoner to the interrogation room and my men have been briefed to keep out of sight until you give the signal.
TRAVIS: Good. Blake is to get right inside the building before anybody makes a move.
ESCON: Understood, sir.
TRAVIS: Sit down, Base Commander.
ESCON: Thank you, sir. [sits]
TRAVIS: How are your units deployed?
ESCON: We have the whole area circled. Squads on every roof, destructors with wide firing spread around every wall. Once they're inside there's no way they're going to get out again.
TRAVIS: Good. Space watch reports?
ESCON: An unidentified ship entered our upper atmosphere about an hour before you arrived.
TRAVIS: Blake's?
ESCON: We assume so.
ESCON: Because it came in close and then raced back out again. Our guess is that it was doing a fast ground survey.
TRAVIS: Seems reasonable. Where is it now?
ESCON: In fixed orbit, about a quarter of a million out.
TRAVIS: Quarter of a million? They won't be able to use their teleport at that range. They'll have to come in closer. And they can't do that without our knowing it. Which leaves just one chance factor: exactly where they'll teleport down. The odds are against them being able to zero in on the interrogation room.
ESCON: I think we have that beaten, too, sir.
[Next couple of lines are delivered v.o. over shots of technicians monitoring some screens in another location.]
ESCON: My research people have rigged up the entire complex with an
ESCON: A molecular shift detector, sir. Apparently there's an enormous kinetic potential set up by teleport communications. A rough analogy would be the, the static buildup during an electrical storm.
TRAVIS: Yes, well, I'm always grateful for a rough analogy. What does it do?
ESCON: It tells us exactly where and when they land.
TRAVIS: It's perfect.
ESCON: He still may not come.
TRAVIS: Oh, he'll come. He wouldn't abandon the girl. Not Blake. Right, it starts now. Get under cover.
TRAVIS: Oh, and Base Commander, remember: Blake is to get right inside the building. Let him find me and the girl before anybody makes a move. Is that clearly understood? ESCON: Understood, sir. [exits]
[Travis leaves through a door in a different direction.]
[Interrogation room. Cally is held in a chair by metal bands over her forearms. Travis enters.]
TRAVIS: I hope you're not too uncomfortable. It won't be long now.
CALLY: You're wasting your time. Blake will not risk his ship and his crew just for me.
TRAVIS: I've studied that man till I know him better than I know myself. He has one reliable flaw: loyalty. He'll come for you. I'll stake my life on it. [Beep. Into comm] Yes?
VOICE: No movement yet from Blake's ship. Still holding fixed orbit.
TRAVIS: Let me know the minute it starts in.
VOICE: Yes, sir.
TRAVIS: I'm sorry about this, but I don't want you doing anything foolish like shouting out for help. Now this won't hurt. [Travis throws a switch on the wall and Cally stiffens with a little moan.]
[Scenes of Travis walking down a corridor, looking over guards outside, shots of apparently deserted exterior of base, Travis walking back down the corridor.]
[Interrogation room. Travis enters, goes over to the chair which has its back to the door and swings it around to reveal it is empty. Blake grabs him from behind, holding an arm about Travis' neck in a choke hold while holding his gun to his head.]
BLAKE: A trick I learned from you, Travis. I got here first. Take his gun, Cally.
[Cally takes a small gun from Travis and points it at him.]
CALLY: Know this, your interrogators caused me much suffering. I should like a reason to kill you, one small movement will be enough.
BLAKE: [into bracelet] I got her, Jenna. Bring the ship to teleport range.
JENNA: [v.o.] On our way.
CALLY: Now, Travis, your turn. [gestures] You get in the chair.
[Travis sits down, carefully resting his real hand on the artificial one.]
BLAKE: Don't feel too badly, Travis. After all, it was an ambush technique you devised.
TRAVIS: You're not out of this yet.
[Cally closes the restraint bands over Travis' arms.]
VOICE: [v.o.] Blake's ship is moving, coming in very fast.
BLAKE: We'll be leaving you in about three minutes. I should use the time to think of an excuse for your failure.
TRAVIS: You'd better kill me, Blake. Until one of us is dead, there'll never be a time when I won't be right behind you.
BLAKE: If not you then somebody else. Killing you'll change nothing. You don't matter enough to kill, Travis.
[Blake turns away to look out the door. Travis uses his thumb to twiddle with the ring on his artificial hand. Cally notices this and where his hand is pointed.]
CALLY: Blake, get down! [Blake ducks, Travis fires, missing Blake, Cally swings his chair around, Blake smashes Travis' hand, sparks fly from the hand and Travis cries out.]
BLAKE: The door, Cally! They'll be coming. [into bracelet] How long, Jenna?
JENNA: [v.o.] Ninety seconds.
BLAKE: [into bracelet] Make it faster.
CALLY: Coming.
BLAKE: Get down.
[The guards fire, blasting down the door.]
TRAVIS: [to guards] Take them.
JENNA: [v.o.] In teleport range now.
TRAVIS: [to guards] It doesn't matter about me.
JENNA: We're bringing you up.
TRAVIS: [to guards] I order you to take them! [Cally and Blake dematerialize. Some guards enter] Don't stand there, you idiots! Launch the interceptors.
[Teleport room. Blake and Cally materialize.]
VILA: Welcome back. We thought you'd decided to stay.
BLAKE: Bit close that time, Jenna.
VILA: Anyway, we're glad you are safe, aren't we? [Looks over at Avon who is standing silently.] Aren't we?
AVON: Yes, I'm glad you're all right.
BLAKE: Those interceptors will be lifting off any minute now. Let's get on with it. [into comm] Gan, get the ship moving. Full interceptor evasion.
[Flight deck. Gan is at the controls.]
GAN: Check. Zen, battle computers to interceptor evasion. [Vila, Avon, and Jenna enter and move to their stations.] Then take us out. Speed standard by six.
ZEN: Your instructions are confirmed. Speed is now standard by six.
[Teleport room. Blake takes off his gun, lays it on the control panel and has started to leave when Cally's voice stops him.]
CALLY: Blake, thank you.
BLAKE: Too many of my friends are already dead, Cally. I can't afford to lose another one. [He looks down at her hands, which are cradling Travis's gun.] Travis's gun. I'll take that.
[Both exit.]
[Interrogation room. A technician is fiddling with Travis's mechanical hand. Travis grimaces and strikes him away.]
TRAVIS: [soliloquy] Run, Blake. [shot of the Liberator is show over the next two lines.]Run. As far and as fast as you like. I'll find you. You can't hide from me. I am your death, Blake. [smiles]
** the end **
Sunday, 11 November 2007
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