Sunday 11 November 2007

by Allan Prior

(c) 1978 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created by Terry Nation. This is a complete dialogue transcript for research purposes and is not for sale under any circumstances. Format (c) 1992 by Susan Hill and Micky DuPree.

Dramatis Personae

Battle Fleet Commander

[Volcano eruption
Tarrant and Dayna teleport to Obsidian's surface.]

TARRANT: Safely down.

[Teleport area]
CALLY: Keep us informed of what's happening.
TARRANT: [v.o.] Right. Out.

[Obsidian surface]
TARRANT: What's that?
DAYNA: The volcano. [Dayna looks at hand-held sensor which beeps continuously.]
DAYNA: I think we've come down on the wrong side
TARRANT: Terrific.

[They begin to climb rocks at the base of the volcano.]

TARRANT: When were you last here?
DAYNA: I've never been here before.
TARRANT: You said you had.
DAYNA: I didn't. I said one of the people here knew my father.
TARRANT: Then let's hope they remember him.

[They have reached a plateau and look down into the volcano.]
DAYNA: Zen told us it was here.
TARRANT: He didn't tell us how big it was. I don't have much faith in Zen, or anything else on the Liberator.
DAYNA: Then why didn't you stay up there and leave this mission to me?
TARRANT: I don't trust anyone except my self. That's why I'm still alive. Which way?
DAYNA: Zen's groundplot said due north. And don't look so warlike.
TARRANT: Coming from you that's almost funny.
DAYNA: These people are our friends.
TARRANT: So you keep saying.
[Camera tracks to a detector set in the rock wall.]

[Obsidian base]
[Hower and Bershar are looking at Tarrant and Dayna on a monitor.]
HOWER: Who are they? You know?
BERSHAR: They mean trouble. Look at their weapons.
HOWER: I thought we'd kept them at bay. The Federation High Command know our position as far as their foolish wars are concerned.
BERSHAR: These people look more like mercenaries.
HOWER: Obviously they come from that ship. [The Liberator appears on the monitor.] The satellite's got a clear picture now.
HOWER: Do we know anything about this type of ship.
BERSHAR: Nothing. Looks powerful. Shall we approach these mercenaries?
HOWER: They're heading towards us, anyway.
BERSHAR: Excuse me. [He leaves the room.]
[Robot brings Hower a drink and a tablet.]

[On volcano slope]
TARRANT: [To Liberator] No contact so far. We're following Zen's groundplot as agreed.

[Teleport area]
CALLY: Understood.
TARRANT: [v.o.] It all seems quiet enough if you don't count the volcano. I should let Orac take over. I think its going to be some time before we find these friends of Dayna's.
CALLY: All right, but keep in touch. Heroic rescues can be embarrassing if you're not actually in danger.
TARRANT: [v.o.] Right.
CALLY: Orac, operate teleport as instructed. Orac?
ORAC: Yes.
CALLY: Did you hear what I said?
ORAC: Teleport operation is a menial task much more suited to one such as yourself.
CALLY: Just do it please, Orac.
ORAC: Very well.

[Flight Deck. Avon is fiddling with bits of equipment, ignoring Vila.]
VILA: It is odd, though ,isn't it? An unusual phenomenon. We haven't come across it before, have we? I said it's odd, isn't it.
CALLY: [coming onto flight deck] What is odd?
VILA: That damn great volcano right in the middle of the planet. The only active one in the entire place according to Zen, sitting there bubbling away.
CALLY: What, Zen?
VILA: The volcano.
CALLY: Well, Zen also said it has been bubbling away for at least twenty years.
VILA: Just the same, sooner them than me. Does anyone know why this planet...what's it called?
CALLY: Obsidian.
VILA: Obsidian. Even the name sounds nasty. Do you know why it escaped the galactic war?
CALLY: If it did.
VILA: Well, Zen says there's no sign of any battle fleet wreckage on the surface.
CALLY: Not as far as we can see.
VILA: Nobody wanted it, that's what I reckon. And very sensible, too.
AVON: Let us settle this neurotic little worry. Zen, do you have sufficient information to be able to tell us when the next major volcanic eruption on the planet Obsidian is to be expected?
ZEN: Federation report one zero sub five, date code three zero three...
VILA: That's a long time ago.
ZEN: Atmospheric and ground tests undertaken by Federation assessment team, collated in Federation teletext predicted no heavy volcanic activity for some years.
VILA: How many years is some years?
ZEN: No more detailed prediction was made.
VILA: Wonderful. And why did the Federation assessment team stop bothering, does anybody know that? Zen, do you know?
ZEN: That information is not available.
VILA: Very helpful.
CALLY: Avon, those Federation assessment teams were always followed up by invasion and colonization.
AVON: Usually.
CALLY: Do you know of another case when they weren't?
AVON: No, and the phrase 'some years' is meaningless. Perhaps it was meant to be. The Federation came and looked at Obsidian and decided it wasn't worth colonizing, simple as that.
CALLY: But if you are right those two are wasting their time down there.
AVON: That's always a possibility. Dayna says the people are friendly, but then sometimes one's friends can be more of a liability than one's enemies.
VILA: They're gonna check out that rumor too, don't forget.
AVON: That Blake was here? It's getting to be a fairly common rumor. We could spend the rest of our lives chasing down the ones we've picked up so far.
CALLY: Still, now we're here.
AVON: Oh, yes, now we're here.

[Tarrant and Dayna are walking in a meadow. Bershar and two others are on rocks above Tarrant and Dayna. Bershar shoots liquid from some sort of gun.]
TARRANT: Can it be raining?
DAYNA: I don't know.
[Bersharr shoots again; Dayna and Tarrant fall to the ground.]

[Flight Deck]
VILA: Maybe we should tell them.
CALLY: Tell who what?
VILA: Tarrant and Dayna about the Federation not wanting the planet.
AVON: Why?
VILA: Because there's something wrong about it. I think we should tell them.
AVON: I think you should get back to recalibrating the weaponry systems.
CALLY: They'll be reporting in soon, we can tell them then.
VILA: That could be too late. [Avon and Cally ignore him.]
VILA: All right.

[Tarrant and Dayna lie on a bed, unconscious. Hower examines their faces, then turns their heads. When he releases the heads Tarrant and Dayna turn them back as before.]

HOWER: Was it necessary to treat them like that?.
BERSHAR: Of course it was, father. You know what these people are like.
HOWER: They are victims of their own aggressive instincts. They have not learned to control them, that is all.
BERSHAR: That doesn't make them any the less dangerous, Father.
HOWER: No, true.

[Tarrant and Dayna sit up.]
TARRANT: [To Dayna] So. These are your friends. [To Hower and Bershar] Where are our guns?
HOWER: We do not allow offensive weapons on Obsidian.
DAYNA: And our wrist communicators.
HOWER: All six of them Why so many, I wonder?
TARRANT: Replacements. They break down easily.
HOWER: Oh. They will be returned to you when you leave.
TARRANT: Oh, we will be leaving? At least that's something.
HOWER: Why should we harm you? You have done us no harm.
TARRANT: Who are you?
HOWER: My name is Hower, I am first citizen on Obsidian. This is my son, Bershar. He has special duties.
TARRANT: Like capturing us.
HOWER: Do you feel ill, or upset in any way?
DAYNA: No. What was it, some kind of narcotic spray gun?
HOWER: Something like that. Quite harmless, I assure you.
TARRANT: I'm glad to hear it.
BERSHAR: Who are you? Why are you on Obsidian?
TARRANT: I was a Federation captain, a long time ago. We are survivors of a galactic war.
BERSHAR: If you are looking for somewhere to hide we cannot shelter you.
TARRANT: [Looks at Dayna.] Maybe you'd better explain it to them.
DAYNA: Hower.
DAYNA: I am Dayna, the daughter of Hal Mellanby
HOWER: Oh, are you? Your father...
DAYNA: My father is dead.
HOWER: Oh dear.
BERSHAR: Then how do we know you are his daughter?
DAYNA: You studied with him at the Federation Central Science complex. [Holds up medallion around her neck.] This is his graduate medallion. You have one like it.
HOWER: I used to have one like it. But unlike your father I lost faith in that sort of scientific development. I think that homo sapians have reached a point where further technological development is useless.
TARRANT: And you are at that point?
HOWER: I believe we are.
BERSHAR: Never mind that. Tell us who the people are in that ship and why you are here. [Tarrant and Dayna look at each other.]
BERSHAR: What do you want here?

[Servalan's ship]
SERVALAN: Here are your instructions. That is the target to which you are being taken. [Points to chart.] That is the Liberator in orbit over the planet Obsidian in the sixth sector. You will go there, get the Liberator, and bring it back.
MORI: You make it sound very simple... Madam President.
SERVALAN: It is very simple. Two of their party are already on the planet.
MORI: How do you know that?
SERVALAN: That is not your concern. They are there.
MORI: Why should they land there? I mean, what's so special about the planet Obsidian?
SERVALAN: They are investigating its strategic value, which is real. And a rumor, which is not. Obsidian is at a vital point in the sixth sector. It could control command and supplies and be a real acquisition for us. But, your immediate mission is to capture the Liberator and bring it back.
MORI: And those on board?
SERVALAN: Kill them.

[Flight Deck]
CALLY: Orac hasn't picked up anything. They've been out of contact for an hour now. I think it's time to start worrying.
VILA: I've been worried all along
AVON: We agreed to wait for them to contact us.
CALLY: But not this long.
AVON: We don't draw attention to the bracelets without a good enough reason.
CALLY: I think this is a good enough reason.
AVON: Zen was picking up a signal from the ground. It could have been some kind of beam approach detector.
CALLY: You didn't say anything at the time.
AVON: No, I didn't.
CALLY: Why was that?
AVON: Because I wasn't sure.
CALLY: That wasn't the reason, Avon.
AVON: No, it wasn't.
VILA: You gonna let me in on the secret?
AVON: You wouldn't understand it if we did.
VILA: My classification might be grade four ignorant but I'm not stupid. I bought that classification from a friend at the testing center. I didn't want to be a space captain now, did I? And I was right. They all ended up getting killed, didn't they?
CALLY: Tarrant survived.
VILA: Oh, yes, Tarrant says he was a space captain, but then he says a lot of things, and you don't have to believe it all, do you?
AVON: I'd be more inclined to believe that he was a captain than that you could have been.
VILA: Well, never mind about me. But it's Tarrant you should be worried about. And not just because he's been out of contact for an hour.
CALLY: And what about Dayna? Don't you trust her either?
VILA: Dayna's a different case entirely.
CALLY: Well, she's pretty, for one thing.
VILA: Pretty? Yes, I suppose she is. I hadn't really noticed.
AVON: We've seen you not really noticing, frequently.

[Obsidian base]
BERSHAR: How many are you?
TARRANT: There aren't many of us yet, but we do have an advantage that no one else has: the most powerful fighting ship in the galaxy. Our armament, offensive and defensive, is better than any other mercenary group can muster.
BERSHAR: The why do you come here?
TARRANT: Surely we're not the first.
BERSHAR: What do you mean?
DAYNA: A man called Blake. Hasn't he contacted you? We heard he'd been here.
BERSHAR: No one has been here.
TARRANT: We need a planet as a home base, somewhere that's not been ruined by the war, and we need recruits. This might do. You are situated in a very important strategic position.
BERSHAR: Obsidian, this is to be your base?
TARRANT: Temporarily, if you were to agree, naturally.
BERSHAR: And what would you offer us for this favor?
TARRANT: A portion of any spoils, and there will be spoils, once we're strong enough to take them.
HOWER: You were once a Federation space captain, you said.
TARRANT: Yes, I was, for a time, until I deserted.
HOWER: You still sound like one.
TARRANT: And you, sir, with great respect, sound like somebody who doesn't realize the danger he's in.
DAYNA: Tarrant! Be careful. These are friends.
TARRANT: Then they deserve the truth. How they've escaped occupation by somebody before now is beyond me.
HOWER: Perhaps we are cleverer than you think, Captain Tarrant.
BERSHAR: What is the this danger to us that you speak of? Where does it come from?
TARRANT: Any petty warlord, any mercenary, anybody with enough ships and weaponry to take you over.
DAYNA: What Tarrant is saying is that your pacific attitude is all very well in theory, but not much use against a battle fleet with ruthless leaders.
BERSHAR: And you are not in this category?
DAYNA: No, we're not. If you say no to us, then we will go peaceably--won't we, Tarrant?
TARRANT: But I hope we can convince you, things being in the state they are, that you need friends.
HOWER: Who are you afraid of, Captain Tarrant?
TARRANT: I'm sorry.
HOWER: You must be afraid of somebody. People who need recruits, allies, whatever. They wouldn't need them if they didn't have enemies. Who exactly are your enemies?

[Servalan's ship]
MUTOID: Long range sensors are registering a slight volcanic tremor from the planet Obsidian.
SERVALAN: That's all right, it's normal.
MORI: You're quite sure about that, I suppose?
SERVALAN: Of course I'm sure. I'm going there, aren't I.
SERVALAN: Approach planet Obsidian on a bearing of one four five. And prepare for planet fall on grid reference zero one three seven.
MUTOID: Approach bearing zero one four five. Planet fall on grid reference one three seven.
MORI: What's so special about that bearing and grid reference? So we don't land in the volcano?
SERVALAN: So the Liberator does not pick us up as we approach.
MORI: Are the people down there likely to give us trouble?
SERVALAN: Most unlikely.
MORI: They were right in the middle of the war zone where some of the greatest battles of the galactic war took place, yet the planet survived untouched. Why?
SERVALAN: I promise you it had nothing to do with fear of the inhabitants. You'll be safe.
MORI: I don't doubt it.
SERVALAN: You'll have no problem with the Pyroans. They have outlawed war.
MORI: Oh, really, how interesting.
SERVALAN: Mori, it is because they have outlawed war that they are still alive.
MORI: Well, let's hope we are at the end of it.
SERVALAN: Remember, you will be my supreme commander, if you succeed. And your ship will be the Liberator.
MORI: That, Madam President, is why I am going at all. That and my personal loyalty to you.
MORI: With that ship, the Liberator.
SERVALAN: So. Careful at first, then you know what to do.
MORI: Yes. [Slight bow to Servalan.]

[Teleport area]
CALLY: Respond, please, Tarrant, Dayna, this is Cally, respond please.
VILA: It could be a communications blind spot. The volcano.
CALLY: They are not wearing the bracelets.
AVON: It would seem that Dayna's friends are not so friendly after all. Have you set the coordinates?
CALLY: Yes. I still think you're too near the volcano.
AVON: At least I know what to expect from that.
VILA: A bootful of burning lava.
AVON: If they have been picked up, perhaps I won't be. [Stands in teleport bay.]
VILA: I'd rather be picked up than burned up.
CALLY: Ready?
AVON: Yes. Put me down.

[Obsidian surface, near volcano]
AVON: Down and safe--well, just about. I'm going to make my way to where Dayna and Tarrant came down. [Looks at sensor.]

[Teleport area]
CALLY: Avon, repeat that. Message indistinct. Repeat that.
VILA: Communications blind spot. Or maybe he landed in the volcano.
CALLY: No, I think he's all right.
VILA: Yes, of course he is. There isn't a volcano alive that would dare to swallow Avon.
CALLY: Be quiet Vila.
VILA: He's cold enough to put out the fire anyway.
CALLY: Look, why don't you go down and keep an eye on those long range detectors?. We aren't the only ship in space, you know.
VILA: Zen's got it covered.
CALLY: Well, Perhaps he'd like some help.
VILA: His trusty battle computers never sleep.
CALLY: Avon, confirm contact, confirm contact. [She turns up gain on communication equipment.]

[Obsidian surface. Servalan, Mori and three troopers walk toward some rock.]
MORI: That volcano sounds pretty active to me.
SERVALAN: I'm told it's a regular small tremor, nothing to worry about.
MORI: What about those over there? Are they something to worry about?

[Two Pyroans approach from a distance. They appear and disappear; each time they reappear they are closer.]

SERVALAN: Let me speak to them. [to approaching Pyroans] We're friends.
MORI: Must be more of them. [Troopers surround Pyroans.]
SERVALAN: Are either of you called Milus?
MILUS: I am Milus. This is my brother Nettin.
SERVALAN: I am Servalan. You have a message for me.
MILUS: Yes, it is here. [He hands a small object to Servalan.]
SERVALAN: Thank you, Milus. [She fits the object into a blue device she takes from a trooper.] [To Mori] Kill them.
MORI: What? [To Pyroans] Well, run, go on. [Pyroans don't move. Mori shoots them.] They didn't run. they weren't even scared. They're like tame animals.

[Obsidian base]
HOWER: I am very sorry to hear of your father's death. If there is anything I can do for you I will. [Takes drink and tablet from robot.] But you will not get any recruits here.
DAYNA: Your son seems interested.
HOWER: Oh, no, he isn't.

[Tarrant and Bershar are in another part of the room.]
TARRANT: Your levels of volcanic activity are high.
BERSHAR: Not dangerously so. We monitor the volcano constantly.
TARRANT: Could you control it, if it became necessary?
BERSHAR: It a way, if it became necessary. Come, let me show you our operational complex. And then perhaps you will see we are not as helpless as we seem. You will excuse us, Father.
HOWER: Yes, of course.
[Tarrant and Bershar leave.]
HOWER: My son, like the rest of us, hates war, conflict, aggression.
DAYNA: Who doesn't? But as the galactic war has just demonstrated, aggression seems to be programmed into the human psyche.
HOWER: It can be programmed out, perhaps.
DAYNA: Would that be wise, even if it could? Would homo sapians be able to live without conflict? Wouldn't they just die from lack of excitement?
HOWER: We have not found it so. It is our belief that every man is at war with himself. His reason is at war with his instinct, his animal and his spiritual natures clash together and the brain of homo sapians has developed too much for the animal to bear.
DAYNA: You mean your people have become passive because you have reduced their brain power? Is that it?
HOWER: On the contrary. We have taught them peace from the cradle, and we have blocked, usually with a minute electric shock, every tendency towards an aggressive act. Plus of course, daily psychological propaganda.
DAYNA: Does it work?
HOWER: We have no war, no fights among ourselves, no lawlessness, no crime. Our people devote themselves to creation and not destruction. We are at peace here on Obsidian.
DAYNA: No violence at all? It's breathtaking, if it's true.
HOWER: The truth is absolute.

[Obsidian surface. Avon finds bodies of Milus and Nettin. Calls Liberator.]
AVON: This is Avon.

[Teleport area]
CALLY: Avon, are you all right?
AVON: [v.o.] Yes, but I think there is a Federation patrol down here somewhere.
CALLY: Why do you say that?
AVON: [v.o.] Because I've seen people killed with Federation handguns before. Stay by the teleport,
Cally. Out.
CALLY: Federation patrols. How would they have got there?
VILA: Probably survivors from the war. We're not the only ones looking for a home base you know.

[Obsidian control room]
BERSHAR: We have an efficient detector system. We picked you up very early in your approach.
TARRANT: Look, I know you have to toe the party line with your father, but can I talk to you independently?
TARRANT: You have responsibility for the defense of Obsidian.
BERSHAR: That is so.
TARRANT: I don't think you're as idealistic as your father is, or am I wrong? I don't think you believe in your heart that you are safe here on Obsidian forever.
BERSHAR: Perhaps not.
TARRANT: Look, there's a sizeable remnant of the Federation battle fleet still functioning. We need a base and you need protection. Is it possible to do a deal of some kind without involving your father?
BERSHAR: It will be difficult, but not impossible.
TARRANT: Let me tell you what I can offer you.
BERSHAR: You talk of a battle fleet. Do you know a woman called Servalan?

[Obsidian surface]
MORI: What now?
SERVALAN: Follow the tone. [hands Mori the blue device.] As it gets louder you're closer to the point. When you get there, everything will be as I told you.
MORI: It's too easy.
SERVALAN: There will be difficulties. I expect you to overcome them.
MORI: And you?
SERVALAN: I shall return to the cruiser.

[Avon is hiding behind some rocks and sees Mori and three troopers.]
AVON: Cally, bring me up, quickly.
[Teleport area]
CALLY: What happened?
AVON: Still no contact with Tarrant?
CALLY: Nothing.
AVON: Keep trying Servalan is down there.
CALLY: Servalan!
AVON: And a patrol.
VILA: Why?
AVON: Ask her, but something big is happening. Tarrant and Dayna are probably prisoners.
VILA: But these Pyroans are supposed to be friendly.
AVON: That is what I mean.

[Obsidian surface. Mori and troopers approach door in the rock, using the blue device.]
MORI: This is the place, and this is the time. [All hide nearby.]

[Tarrant, Dayna and Bershar come out of the door. Bershar is carrying four teleport bracelets.]

BERSHAR: We do not come to the surface any more than we have to. The air is not very pleasant.
TARRANT: I've noticed.
[Troopers come out of hiding, guns drawn.]
DAYNA: [Looks as Bershar] You?
BERSHAR: I'm afraid so. I had no choice.
MORI: If you even so much as move an eyelid you're dead. Have you got the bracelets? [Bershar drops bracelets at Mori's feet instead of handing them to him. He is now carrying the gun used on Tarrant and Dayna earlier.]
MORI: Four?
BERSHAR: They were recruiting.
TARRANT: You weren't quite what we had in mind.

[Servalan's ship]
MUTOID: Computers confirm that we are clear of the planet's detectors and screened from the Liberator's detectors by the planet itself. We are maintaining relative orbital position as instructed.
SERVALAN: Where is the battle fleet?
MUTOID: Battle fleet is holding at nine eight six grid four awaiting instructions.
SERVALAN: Good. Patch me into the battle fleet commander.
MUTOID: Command frequency is open.
SERVALAN: This is Servalan calling Federation battle fleet commander.
COMMANDER: Battle Commander.
SERVALAN: Your position is confirmed. Maintain until further instructions.
COMMANDER: Very Well, Madam President. But I would remind you I do have fuel problems. Can you bring me nearer the objective?
SERVALAN: We cannot risk them detecting your presence. Hold position until advised. It won't be long, commander. Out.

[Trooper ties Dayna and Tarrant.]
DAYNA: Why are you doing this?
BERSHAR: As I told you, I have no choice.
TARRANT: I suppose you're going to kill us?
MORI: Yes.
DAYNA: So much for your principles. All that was just talk, was it?
BERSHAR: No killing. They will remain with me. You know what to do, do it.
MORI: My orders were to..
BERSHAR: Do it, or I alert the Liberator. I mean it.
MORI: Very well, you can argue it out with Servalan. [To troopers] Come.

[Servalan's ship]
MUTOID: Signal from the planet Obsidian on channel four.
MORI: [v.o.] Mori here. First stage of operation accomplished. Second stage begins now.
SERVALAN: Very well. We'll begin approach now. Estimate units will be in firing range in approximately seven minutes forty seconds

[Flight deck]
AVON: Zen, have the detectors registered any firing on the planet surface?
ZEN: Negative.
AVON: Is there any weaponry activity of any kind registering on Obsidian?
ZEN: Negative.
AVON: None whatsoever? Run the scan again.
ZEN: Scan completed. Data is confirmed. The Liberator's present geostationary orbit makes the far side of the planet permanently inaccessible to the detectors. Data therefore refers to approximately half the planetary surface only.
AVON: I am aware of that.

[Teleport area]
CALLY: Tarrant, Dayna, respond please.
VILA: You're wasting your time. The friendly hostiles have probably eaten them. And I'm not joking. There's been cannibalism on some of the planets.
[v.o.] Teleport. Teleport.
CALLY: Tarrant?
[v.o.] Teleport.
CALLY: Tarrant?
VILA: It's them.
CALLY: I don't know.
VILA: What's the matter?
CALLY: I don't know. Something's wrong.
VILA: Of course something's wrong. They're in trouble. Bring them up.

[Vila works the teleport. Four troopers appear in the teleport bay.]

[Flight deck]
AVON: Zen, there were three major battles in this sector during the galactic war. [He takes off his gun belt and puts it on the couch.] Is that correct?
ZEN: That is correct.
AVON: Did either side land survivors or damaged ships on the surface of the planet Obsidian?
ZEN: Available data suggests that they did not.
AVON: That's what I thought. Zen, do you have any information as to any neutral status accorded the planet Obsidian?
ZEN: No official neutral status was accorded the planet Obsidian.
AVON: Then what have they got that protects them?
ZEN: Information. Medium range detectors indicate eight Federation cruisers approaching at attack speed from orbital blind side.

[Teleport area. Troopers advance toward Cally and Vila.]
VILA: We're under attack.
MORI: Quick of you to notice.
CALLY: Who are you? [She backs up.]
MORI: The winner and new champion. That's far enough.
VILA: We are under attack.
MORI: I know.
VILA: Friend, that means you are under attack as well.
MORI: Who's operating this ship?

[Flight deck]
AVON: Put them on main screen.
ZEN: Confirmed.
AVON: Speed of approach.
ZEN: Time distort eight.
AVON: How long before they reach their attack range?
ZEN: Two minutes.
AVON: Put up the radiation flare shields. Clear the main blasters for firing.
ZEN: Main blasters are cleared for firing.
AVON: Battle and navigation computers on line.
ZEN: Confirmed.
AVON: Compute an initial evasion course to take the flank ship in delta seven out of line and into strike range.
ZEN: Grid one zero four, standard by six.
AVON: Execute. Stand by the force wall.
ZEN: Confirmed.

[Teleport area. Vila and Cally are bound and gagged.]
CALLY: [v.o.-telepathing] Avon, please listen to me.

[Flight deck]
AVON: Cally, Vila, where are you? Fire main blasters.

[A Federation ship is destroyed.]

[Command ship]
COMMANDER: Servalan, I have a ship destroyed. Do I continue the attack?

[Servalan's ship]
SERVALAN: Yes, but do exactly as instructed. I repeat, do not deviate from your instructions.

[Command ship]
COMMANDER: Will comply. Out.

[Flight deck]
CALLY: [v.o.-telepathing] Avon, listen. The enemy are on board. Avon.
AVON: Are they maintaining formation?
ZEN: Affirmative.
AVON: When will they be in range?
ZEN: They have been in range for one minute, eight seconds.
AVON: Then why aren't they firing?
ZEN: Plasma bolt launched and running.
AVON: Should have kept my mouth shut. How many bolts?
ZEN: One only, running true. Five seconds to strike.
AVON: Activate the force wall. [Bolt strikes the Liberator.] Are they all in range?
ZEN: All hostiles are in range.
AVON: Then why aren't they all firing?
ZEN: Battle computers can offer no explanation.
AVON: They must be holding back for a concerted effort. They are all going to fire at once.

[Mori and a trooper enter flight deck, holding guns on Avon.]
MORI: Wrong. If they did that they would destroy the ship, and we don't want that, do we Avon. That battle command is coming in to corner you and if you don't let him I'm gonna kill you.
CALLY: [v.o.-telepathing] Avon, there are three of them.
AVON: What do you want?
MORI: I want you to get away from that control panel.
ZEN: Battle fleet, seven elements, closing fast.
AVON: They will ram us.
MORI: No they won't. Where's your open channel? [Finds communicator and speaks into it.] This is Commander Mori. I have taken control of the Liberator. Do not fire.
SERVALAN: [v.o.] Message received. Battle fleet, withhold action.

[Two troopers enter, one carrying Orac.]

AVON: Servalan's people, aren't you?
MORI: I ask the questions. So, this is your magic computer, Orac, isn't it?
ORAC: I assume your use of the word magic means that I am incomprehensible to you. While that may well be the case, your use of the word is inappropriate.
MORI: What?
ORAC: Your use of the word magic is inappropriate. I am simply the sum of the thousands of data stores which are available to me.
MORI: Impressive.
AVON: Yes, he's very efficient., but then so is the whole ship. [Begins walk toward Zen.] The greatest single factor is our armament, together with our main computer, Zen, as targets bear, main blasters will fire. Nine zero, full thrust.
ZEN: Confirmed.

[Liberator fires. Federation ships return fire. As bolt strikes the Liberator Avon grabs his gun from the couch and shoots one trooper, then ducks behind couch. Mori shoots at Avon and misses. Avon rises and shoots another trooper. Mori shoots again, hitting Avon in the right arm. Avon falls.]

MORI: They'll blast us. Grab that. Come on, get out of this.

[Trooper grabs Orac and he and Mori leave.]

ZEN: Targets bearing one zero.
[Zen fires again, destroying another ship.]

[Teleport area]
MORI: Teleport us down. [Unties Vila and frees Cally's feet. Pulls Cally toward teleport bay.] Get up. Teleport us down.
VILA: All right, all right.
CALLY: [v.o.-telepathing] Vila, no.
VILA: [Puts bracelet on Cally.] Be reasonable, Cally, you'll be safer down there.
MORI: Come on.
VILA: Teleport, now. [He moves teleport levers; Cally, Mori and trooper with Orac teleport] I just hope I was right.

[Flight deck]
ZEN: Two plasma bolts struck midsection. Force wall was not penetrated. Target bearing one five one. [Avon stirs on the floor.]

[Command ship]
COMMANDER: Battle Fleet Commander to Servalan. I am breaking off the attack.

[Servalan's ship]
SERVALAN: What has gone wrong?
COMMANDER: [On viewscreen] Liberator is still firing. I'm retreating out of range. All ships take evasion course. I repeat, all ships disengage.
SERVALAN: This is Servalan calling Commander Mori. Are you still on the Liberator?

[Flight deck]
SERVALAN: [v.o.] Servalan calling Commander Mori on open channel. Are you on the Liberator? Reply.
VILA: No he isn't but I am. What can I do for you, Servalan?
SERVALAN: Vila, are you in command of the Liberator?
VILA: For your information, Madam President, we are all here, ready and waiting. I think I can see you on the screen. Yes, I know exactly where you are. You are at grid reference one three seven zero. Better start running. [He drops to Avon, who is sitting up.]
AVON: Awww.
VILA: Where does it hurt?

[Servalan's ship]
SERVALAN: Eight ships. Picked men. [To mutoids] Course for space command headquarters. Speed time distort ten.
MUTOID: Course computed and laid in. Speed, time distort ten.
SERVALAN: Without that ship we've lost a strategic advantage.
MUTOID: Madam?
SERVALAN: But, no one else has gained it. Without Blake the Liberator's no immediate threat to our plans.
MUTOID: No, Madam President.
SERVALAN: Well the crew have no political ambitions.
MUTOID: They are merely criminals.
SERVALAN: So they'll keep. Until the rule of law has been restored. Until my rule of law has been restored.

[Flight Deck. Vila has a drink, Avon's right arm is bandaged.]
AVON: What's happening?
VILA: All gone.
AVON: Orac?
VILA: Gone as well. Cheers. (he takes a drink)
AVON: The battle fleet?
VILA: Ran away. Expect they'll be back.
AVON: Cally?
VILA: They took her when they took Orac.
AVON: A mess.
VILA: Never mind. We're still here.
[Avon touches the bandage on his arm.]
VILA: It's not serious. The pad'll take care of it, if you don't fiddle with it. You did very well there, I must say.
AVON: Must you?
VILA: Here, go on. [Offers Avon his drink.] Adrenalin and soma. It's very relaxing.
AVON: No thanks. [A panel at one of the stations explodes with a lot of sparks.] I need my wits about me.
VILA: If you say so.

[Obsidian control room]
TARRANT: So, no battle fleet.
BERSHAR: They'll be back.
TARRANT: How do you know?
BERSHAR: You're not the only one who wants Obsidian. Servalan will regroup and rearm her battle fleet.
DAYNA: You made a mistake, Bershar. You backed Servalan and you lost.
BERSHAR: Not yet, not yet.
DAYNA: You know what Servalan is.
BERSHAR: And are you any better? Out of my way. [Starts to leave the room.]
HOWER: [Entering through the door Bershar is trying to use.] You are not going anywhere, my son.
BERSHAR: Let me go.
HOWER: You somehow overcame your peaceful conditioning. When you were a child the therapists said that you were at risk. I welcomed this possibility, because I needed, I thought, one man who could think aggressively like my enemies.
BERSHAR: I have not renounced the theory of peace. Servalan is more powerful than these people. Tomorrow or the next day they will go, and Servalan will be back with her battle fleet.
TARRANT: Guided here again by you, no doubt. It is very plain what has happened Hower.
BERSHAR: My choice was to make Servalan our ally. I never took these people seriously, nor should you Father. I don't want to die.
HOWER: You have taken the vow.
BERSHAR: What choice did I have? What choice have any of us had? You've turned us all into peace puppets. We're at anybody's mercy, and I tell you, Servalan will return.
HOWER: Then the vow will be put into effect.
BERSHAR: You're mad. You're all mad. We've no way of keeping the vandals out. We must defend ourselves or we'll die, all of us. I don't want to die, not for a stupid ideal that can never work. Homosapians cannot be changed, don't you understand that?
HOWER: My son, the animal rules you.

[Bershar backs away.]

BERSHAR: Oh, no, for pity's sake.

[Robot shoots Bershar with silver gun similar to that used on Dayna and Tarrant.]

HOWER: Before you ask, it was a lethal dose.
DAYNA: You heard what he said. Servalan will be back.
HOWER: Release them. [The robot emits a purple ray that loosens the bonds]. Give them their bracelets. [Two Pyroans bring the guns and last two bracelets.] You are free to go. If you stay any longer you will be in danger. Come.
TARRANT: What is this vow you spoke of?
HOWER: We are all dying, very slowly. The whole planet is contaminated with radioactive fallout.
DAYNA: But you've had no wars here.
HOWER: There is a nuclear device buried deep in the heart of the planet. One touch of that button and it blows.
DAYNA: You'd never do that.
HOWER: Yes, we would. We warned the Federation of it and we warned Servalan of it. How do you think we survived the war? We warned any fleet that landed that we'd blow them up and ourselves with it. So they never landed.
DAYNA: But you'd never do it.
HOWER: We would, it is the truth we live by.
TARRANT: But this radioactive fallout, why? The device in the core of the planet, is it seeping, is it defective? Is that why you are all dying? Is the volcano spraying it out?
HOWER: No more questions. You must go while you can.
TARRANT: Goodbye, and good luck.

[Tarrant and Dayna leave.]

HOWER: My son was wrong. There must be peace.

[Outside the door to Obsidian base.]
DAYNA: What now? Back to the ship?
TARRANT: Have we still got a ship to go back to?

[Flight deck]
TARRANT: [v.o.] Tarrant to Liberator.
AVON: Yes, are you all right?
TARRANT: [v.o.] Yes, are you?
AVON: Not really, we took some heavy shots. Our steering control is damaged and the energy banks almost exhausted. Zen got a little over-enthusiastic.

[Obsidian surface]
TARRANT: My information is that the battle fleet will be back, possibly reinforced, possibly very soon. Are you in a position to take them on?
[Flight deck]
AVON: I will be very lucky to be in a position to run. Suggest you come back aboard immediately, except..
TARRANT: [v.o.] Yes, what?
AVON: The Federation commandos got Orac and Cally.
[Obsidian surface]
TARRANT: Where did they teleport?
AVON: [v.o.] About two miles due north of your present position.
TARRANT: That brings us near the volcano.
AVON: [v.o.] What do you want to do?
TARRANT: We'll look for them.
[Flight deck]
AVON: All right, but you haven't much time. If you are not back here in an hour I shall have to consider the safety of the Liberator as the first priority. Do you understand me?
[Obsidian surface]
TARRANT: Yes, I do. One hour.
DAYNA: Let's move.

[Tarrant and Dayna climb rocks at the base of the volcano.]
DAYNA: I hope that old man's wrong about homo sapians.

[A cave near the volcano. Cally is tied but not gagged. Mori and one trooper are also there, as is Orac.]
MORI: I don't know why we brought you.
CALLY: I'm useful as a hostage, aren't I? If the Pyroans get you, you'll be killed.
MORI: They wouldn't kill us; they wouldn't kill anybody. Besides, no one's gonna come this close to that. [Indicates volcano.] We know that Servalan is coming with more reinforcements. We know that we're safe here until she does. We also know that we're going to get at least a million credits from her for this little toy. So, Orac, I'm talking to you. You can provide Servalan with a flight path that evades the long range detectors on this planet. That will come in very useful. Can you do that?
ORAC: I have access to the necessary data banks. It is really quite simple. If an attacking force comes in at zero three seven degrees approach they will find the blind spot in the detectors and thence can use tactical missiles with impunity.

[Servalan's ship]
MORI: [v.o.] If you come in that approach, you will find no detectors to pick you up, and no opposition.
SERVALAN: Excellent. We will regroup immediately and approach on that bearing.
MORI: [v.o.] Right. And don't forget us.
SERVALAN: How could I? [Turns off speaker.] You have Orac.
SERVALAN: Battle Fleet Commander, You heard that.
COMMANDER: [On viewscreen] Yes.
SERVALAN: I think it's time we tested the determination of the Pyroans.
COMMANDER: [On viewscreen] I agree.
SERVALAN: Use limited tactical missiles. You should get a ninety percent kill on the first strike.
COMMANDER: [On viewscreen] Thank you for the honor. We will not fail you this time. What about the Liberator? Is it damaged beyond possibility of repair in the time? We can destroy it for you, Servalan.
SERVALAN: No. Yes, destroy it, Commander. Destroy it completely.

[Flight deck]
AVON: Zen, correction thirteen twenty seven on steering calculation. Is function restored yet?
ZEN: Autorepair systems are still operating.
AVON: What is the state of the energy banks.
ZEN: One fifth of capacity only.
AVON: Using emergency booster, can I set a course?
ZEN: Negative information
AVON: All right. That means I have to take a chance. Zen, put all emergency circuits into action.
AVON: Zen, do you hear me? Put all emergency circuits into action.
ZEN: Emergency circuits are not yet available.

[Cave near the volcano.]
MORI: What's that? [Goes out of cave.] I thought I heard someone. Come on, or we'll have no room to maneuver. Outside. [Other trooper gags Cally, then follows Mori.]
CALLY: [telepathing] By the rim. They're waiting by the rim.

[Above the volcano. Dayna and Tarrant take cover amid the rocks.]
CALLY: [v.o.--telepathing] By the rim. By the rim
TARRANT: Is this it?
DAYNA: Round here, yes. They can't last long in this heat.
TARRANT: They can if coming out means they're dead. Come on.
CALLY: [v.o.--telepathing] They are waiting by the rim.
DAYNA: Just a minute.
CALLY: [v.o.--telepathing] By the rim. By the rim.
DAYNA: I can hear something, a voice.
TARRANT: No, it's the heat.
DAYNA: No, can't you hear it?
TARRANT: Not a thing.
DAYNA: I can. Maybe it's in my mind... Cally?
TARRANT: What does it say, this voice?
DAYNA: It-it says to go forward, there.
CALLY: [v.o.--telepathing] By the rim.
TARRNAT: That's towards the center of the volcano.
DAYNA: To the rim, that's what the voice says.
TARRANT: All right, that's what we'll do.

[They start forward]

CALLY: [v.o.--telepathing] Look out, to your left.

[Mori and trooper appear and shoot at Tarrant and Dayna.]
TARRANT: [clutching his leg] Aaaah! [Tarrant and Dayna scramble for cover in the rocks.]
DAYNA: Are you all right?
TARRANT: Don't mind me, get them.
DAYNA: Right. You only had to ask. [Takes grenade from her boot and throws it at troopers, felling one and knocking the other into the lava.]

TARRANT: [Standing above volcano.] Cally? Are you there?

[Teleport area. Tarrant, Dayna, Cally and Orac appear in the teleport bay.]
VILA: I get an eerie feeling every time Orac does that. You're just in time, we've company coming.
VILA: The battle fleet's on its way, it's been moving for two minutes.
TARRANT: Why aren't we moving?
VILA: Because we can't.

[Flight deck]
AVON: Zen, flight status?
ZEN: The energy banks still require two minutes before power will be available to make navigation speed.
AVON: We'll be dead by then
ZEN: One minute fifty nine seconds
AVON: We are sitting here waiting.
TARRANT: We'd better take our combat positions.
DAYNA: Look, one of them's peeling off. It's the lead ship, it's gonna make an attack on Obsidian.
ZEN: Voice contact from the planet Obsidian
AVON: Put it on the main speaker.
HOWER: [v.o.] Hower calling Liberator.
TARRANT: This is the Liberator, go ahead.

[Obsidian control room]
HOWER: My friends. The Federation have launched an attack. We do not intend to give in. We will not be colonized by the federation or by anybody else. We will honor our sacred vow. Withdraw immediately. We bid you farewell.

[Flight deck]
AVON: What was that about.
TARRANT: Zen, put up the force wall.
ZEN: Confirmed.

[Hower pushes button. Planet Obsidian explodes. Force waves shake the Liberator.]

TARRANT: They did it. They really did it.
DAYNA: Rather than live as slaves.
TARRANT: They were gonna die anyway, remember.
VILA: Servalan's battle fleet's moving away.
TARRANT: Any damaged?
VILA: Hard to tell.
AVON: Zen, flight status.
ZEN: Energy banks are now at the lowest workable capacity
TARRANT: Well, let's go, while we can.
AVON: Execute preprogrammed course.
ZEN: Confirmed.
DAYNA: I didn't believe they'd do it.
TARRANT: Neither did Servalan.
AVON: She just didn't care. Her options were to take it or to destroy it. Either way, she won.
CALLY: I don't think so. She lost, and we lost. Only the Pyroans won.
VILA: If that's winning, I'll take losing every time.

*** End ***

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